Sunday, February 3, 2013


Hello! My name is Christopher Page. I am currently a senior at Ohio University. I have played Ultimate Frisbee for 4 years now for Ohio University. However, the program is not known very well since it is through club sports and is not a major varsity sport like Basketball, Football or Baseball.

I started this blog to give more insight about Ultimate Frisbee to people who might not know too much about this up and coming sport. Ultimate Frisbee is a fast pace sport that involves quick decision making, endurance and athleticism. It is also referred to as Ultimate rather than Ultimate Frisbee since the word frisbee is trademarked by Wham-O, a company that distributes and sells discs found in many stores Nationwide. I will be doing weekly post on this blog with more information about the team I play for along with other interesting facts about Ultimate Frisbee. If you have any questions about the sport feel free to ask them through the comments on this post and I will do my best to give an answer for them.

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